Kaya & menyenangkan, herbal & stres-relieving
Bila kebahagiaan dan sukacita berasal dalam sebuah botol, maka inilah dia! bath, body and massage oil cool adalah campuran murni mint yang manis, segar, dan menyenangkan dari pepermint, bargamout & ginger.
Bath, body and massage oil coll menggabungkan Bargamot, ginger & papermint yang dikemas dalam virgin coconut oil & extra virgin olive untuk menciptakan aroma champhoraceous yang segar, kuat dan tajam. Sebuah kombinasi yang sempurna dan nyaman untuk anda bawa kemanapaun perjalananan membawa anda.
- who are using our products -
Cokorda Istri Ratih Iryani
Founder and Owner of Sito Organic Spa Products
Nurtured in the traditions, values and spirituality of Balinese culture, Princess Cok Ratih became an accomplished dancer at an early age. After winning many island-wide competitions, she received international recognition and awards performing traditional Balinese dance around the world.
“As a little girl, I grew up in the palace of my grandfather, the last king of Peliatan, giving offerings, prayers and thanks to our forefathers and mothers. I was raised to honor, respect and preserve our traditional Balinese values and way of life as well as the wisdom of our spiritual philosophy.
This is the heart and soul of Bali.
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information to contact us
Organic Spa Product
Jalan Raya Sanggingan,
Campuhan Ubud, Bali
P : +62361 975832
F : +62361 975832
M 1 : +62851 0043 5559
M 2 : +62851 0094 3368